Lath Complete


Our house now has some color! Lath (tar paper and chicken-wire) was completed on Oct. 20, and the next step in the stucco process is the scratch-coat. Our giant pile of sand and Western One Kote (scratch coat) awaits! We’re applying stucco in a three-stage process that involves two week’s cure time in between each stage: scratch coat, brown coat, then final (Dryvit) coat. By the time the holidays are over, the outside of the house should have a ‘finished’ feel to it. Don’t tell anyone that the inside isn’t even close to being complete. Check out the October Construction Photos.

Thank you for your patience as we continue to recreate the website (you’ll see we added some construction videos back, and we’ll be working toward re-uploading our old flora/fauna images, etc.) Feel free to leave comments within each blog post.

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