Merry Christmas 2013

Happy holidays family and friends!

We know, we know… it’s been awhile – too long, in fact, since we’ve sent a holiday letter. We hope you’re well and enjoying the holiday season.

Fruit from the desert plant, peniocereus greggiiFruit from the desert plant, peniocereus greggii

Fruit from the desert plant, peniocereus greggii


We continue to love life in rural southeastern Arizona, taking quad rides into the mountains and living among loads of wildlife. Steve started a new job in radio communications with Motorola in July and loves it. I continue to freelance and make up stories (I also started a local book club). And I’m still writing my nature/writing blog, if you want to stop in for a visit.

Here at the Fry Ranch, we finally resumed work on our house project after nearly two years of inactivity (we’re going with the 10-20 year move-in-plan … snicker, snicker).

Steve also took some time to build a “ham shack” in 2012 on to the side of our existing house (for nerdy amateur radio operators). It’s served as a nice writing room for me on occasion, too, since the only other door in the current house is attached to the bathroom.

We’d love to hear from you this year, especially since we’ve been so out of touch … but in the meantime, please enjoy some photos of house progress and Steve’s handiwork:

Check out some of the wildlife fun we’ve had this year:

Have a great 2014!

Steve and Melissa

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  1. Hi,

    Love the photo of the two of you in your hats! Will try to send our Christmas letter and photo soon. All documents remain on our old and slow computer. We’re enjoying our new place, which is more finished than yours, and the girls are as crazy as ever.


  2. Melissa and Steve,

    Thanks for the update. The photos are awesome. Better than NatGeo! Glad to hear you’re both doing well and thriving in the dessert.


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